Manas National Park: Bibliography

in Bibliography
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Sayantani Chatterjee

Sayantani Chatterjee is a public policy professional based out of New Delhi, working with Interel Group.

Basistha, Sudip Kanta. 2006. ‘Taxonomy and Distribution of Fish Fauna of Beki Manas River System.’ PhD thesis. Faculty of Science, Gauhati University.  


Bhattacharjya, D.K., A. Kar, et al. 2015. ‘Notes on Herbal Treatment Practiced by the People of Fringe Villages of Manas National Park, India,’ Indian J Tradit Knowle 1.1:155–60.


Bhattacharyya, Indra Kumar. 1983. ‘Population Status and Ecobiology of Pigmy Hog Sus Salvanius Hodgson of Assam.’ PhD Thesis. Department of Zoology, University of Gauhati.


Bonal, Bishen Singh, Bibhab Kumar Talukdar, and Amit Sharma. 2009. ‘Translocation of Rhino in Assam,’ Tiger Paper 36.1.


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Mehrotra, R.C., et al. 2011. ‘First Report of the Plant Fossils from the Manas National Park, Assam, India,’ Palaeobotanist 60.2:73.


Nath, Naba K., et al. 2015. ‘A Quantification of Damage and Assessment of Economic Loss due to Crop Raiding by Asian Elephant Elephas Maximus (Mammalia: Proboscidea: Elephantidae): A Case Study of Manas National Park, Assam, India,’ Journal of Threatened Taxa 7.2: 6853–63.


Nath, Naba K. and Kamal Machary. 2015. ‘An Ecological Assessment of Hispid Hare Caprolagus Hispidus (Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae) in Manas National Park, Assam, India,’ Journal of Threatened Taxa 7.15: 8195–204.


Nath, Naba K., P.P. Sarkar and Kamal Machary. 2010. ‘Ecological Assessment of Hispid Hare in Manas National Park, India.’ Final Report on Conservation Leadership Programme, Aaranyak, Assam, 13-16.


Nath, Naba K., et al. 2013. ‘Human-Elephant Interaction in Villages Around Manas National Park, Assam, India,’ Gajah 39:12-18.  


Paul, S., N. Devi, and G.C. Sarma. 2013. ‘Ethnobotanical Utilization of some Medicinal Plants by Bodo Peoples of Manas Biosphere Reserve in the Treatment of Malaria,’ International Research Journal of Pharmacy 4:102-5.  

Saikia, Malabika Kakati, and P.K. Saikia. 2014. ‘Ecology of Butterflies in Tropical Scattered Forest of Manas Biosphere Reserve, Assam, India,’ Journal of Global Biosciences 3.3:660–80.


Sarkar, Barnali, et al. 2014. ‘Habitat Attributes and Waterbird-use of Four Wetlands in Manas National Park, Assam, India’, Proceedings of the Zoological Society 94–107.  


Sarma, Pranjit Kr, et al. 2008. ‘Land-use and Land-Cover Change and Future Implication Analysis in Manas National Park, India using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data,’ Current Science 95.2:223–27.  


Sarmah, K.K., and S.K. Borthakur. 2009. ‘A Checklist of Angiospermic Plants of Manas National Park in Assam, India’, Pleione 3:190–200.  


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Singh, Santosh Pal, Amit Sharma, and Bibhab Kumar Talukdar. 2012. ‘Translocation of Rhinos within Assam: A Successful Third Round of the Second Phase of Translocations Under Indian Rhino Vision (IRV) 2020.’ IRV2020: Translocation Core Committee, Assam.


Soud, Rakesh, Simi Talukdar, and K.N. Dey. 2013. ‘Conservation Challenges of Manas Tiger Reserve: Political Unrest and Community Attitude,’ The Clarion 2.1:59–63.  


Takahata, Chihiro, et al. 2010. ‘Remotely-Sensed Active Fire Data for Protected Area Management: Eight-Year Patterns in the Manas National Park, India,’ Environmental management 45.2:414–23.  


Takahata, Chihiro. 2008. ‘Identifying Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fire in the Manas National Park, India: Implications for Grassland Habitat Conservation.’ MSc. thesis, Imperial College, London.


Talukdar, Bibhab Kumar, Bibhuti Prasad Lahkar, and Pranjit Kumar Sarma. 2011. ‘Invasive Species in Grassland Habitat: An Ecological Threat to Greater One Horned Rhino (Rhinoceros Unicornis),’ Pachyderm 49:33–39.  


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